Vault Artist Studios currently offers around 90 studio spaces to over 100 multidisciplinary artists across two locations. Marlborough House is home to 70 artists in its city centre location while Shankill Mission is home to 30 artists and is located 15 minutes walk from Belfast city centre. 

We currently have no vacancies. However, our application process is always open and we assess all applications received in the event of a studio vacancy, so please feel free to apply using the form below. 

When we have studio vacancies we will assess applications received via this form, and will offer spaces to applicants who meet our criteria at that time, irrespective of when they filled out their application. Completing the form does not guarantee the offer of a studio.

Stay up to date with announcements on studio availability by signing up to our monthly Newsletter. Read more about our current artists and check out our upcoming events.

Studio Availability

  • — Being part of a supportive, multi-disciplinary community of artists
    — Exhibition, artist development and collaboration opportunities
    — Regular members meetings, groups, crits and community lunches — Shared social spaces — Trustee & staff support
    — Website profile & promotion
    — Wi-fi & energy included

  • The provision of affordable studio spaces is at the heart of what we do and we strive to keep our studio rents the lowest offered in Belfast.

    Studio rents are determined by a per-square-meter calculation plus a flat membership fee, offering a range of prices depending on the size of the studio. Studio rent is paid monthly.

studio application form