Dragos Musat

interview with a vaulter

April 2020

Good Morning.

Tuesday comes around again and this morning we have an Interview with a Vaulter with Dragos Musat

How's it going, Dragos?

Pretty good I suppose. I am overcoming my scattered nature by keeping as busy as I can. During the day I love doing some gardening, immersing myself into cooking and revisiting old drawings & work, putting things into perspective ..that sort of thing. At night, if I do stay up I manage to find some focus for my work. I have been playing with some video filming and editing, recorded some sound, exploring my new found love for 3D modeling & 3D animation and that keeps me sane I guess. Chatting with family overseas has also shown me how different we all feel about this whole thing.

What is your living situation? Do you have outside space or are you living in an underground bunker?

Haha. At first it actually kind of felt that we've all retreated into our bunkers. I live with my lovely partner. We have made a little garden out the back where we planted some vegetables and tulips . I couldn't resist and I adopted a small tree from the forest path nearby. It's so funny how ever since the lockdown this ancient survival instinct of planting and gardening has resurfaced. I am very grateful to be where I am.

How has the pandemic affected your arts practice?

With a sudden change of dynamics, things were kind of tricky at first. There were worries of all sorts, some insecurities that needed to be dealt with immediately and then things sort of slowed down as the ''new normal'' took shape. After that I guess my creative flow returned. Being away from my usual graphic design projects, I got to immerse myself back into my drawing. Haven't realised how much I've missed it. Recently myself and my partner Wilhelmina have structuralized and proposed a new project implying online courses for children. It's something that we're pretty excited about.

How are you coping with the temporary closing of the Vault?

Not great. I miss it a lot. I miss all the bright faces, all the random encounters, sweet small talks, long deep conversations ... The corridors, my studio with all its mess and tidiness... And basically just working while being in my zone :)).

What do you appreciate during lockdown?

With the pressures of everyday life gone, I'm fond of all this time to reflect upon things and to be better than yesterday....also smooth bike rides through a once noisy environment can be pretty surreal. Speaking of, the unusual quiet at night and during the day is also something that I came to appreciate. Last but not least, reconnecting with a few old friends and family.

How do you imagine the future after lockdown? For yourself and the wider art world in general.

If we're talking about a not so distant future I imagine myself to be more humble I suppose and more patient. The art world is constantly evolving, and I believe to some extent this has been quite the growth opportunity for many.

About the distant future.... Squids...they'll take over.

Where can people find you online?



I'm also currently building my online shop: https://dragosdesign.bigcartel.com/