Mary Jordan
Mary Jordan is a theatre-maker, TV/cinema/radio/stage/street/mucky field performer, and community artist, who wears loads of hats, some of which are not even real hats. On the surface she is represented by Premier Artists, but sometimes goes underground and associates with the likes of the infamous Murder She Got Wrote Off comedy hallions.
She started out in Paris with like-minded artists, putting on shows in 13th Century cellars, then joined touring company Cosmos Kolej for wild adventures round the world. Belfast became home over 25 years ago, and she has filled this time “doing her acting”, devising and performing all manner of stories and shows for children and grown-ups, and facilitating drama workshops. She has conspired in theatrical mischief with a number of artists from other disciplines, including the late Patrick Sanders, with whom she co-created a series of memorably madcap tours for families, as well as the award-winning multi-media interactive show Once Upon A Time.
MJ is fascinated by small shwhispered stories and tall turbulent tales alike, and just loves the potential for theatre in the tiniest thing. This is probably why she hoards so much stuff in her studio. Her curiosity about creative processes, play, and learning has persisted long beyond her MA musings on the subject, and a later-in-life ADHD diagnosis is now a bit of an obsession and fertile inspiration for a dash or a decade of upcoming work.
Vault Artists Community to her is a home peopled with talent and generosity, that is kept abuzz by passion and possibility: a stimulating, vibrant environment to grow, but also a sort of haven for her busy mind and loosely-run ship. Uppa Vault and all whose craft and graft moor here!
She / Her
Marlborough House