Whats stopping you? Making live work
Friday 21st March. 10.30am - 4.30pm
Dance Studio - Shankill Mission
This session will be a deep dive into making live performance work. Looking at what stops us, what we're afraid of, and how to over come creative barriers.
The second part of the session will look at how to get started within making live work (e.g. theatre and performance). We will explore theme, topic, tone, then moving into creating structure, character and modes of performance on stage.
The workshop will give an intro into different types of live performance e.g. theatre, live art, performance art, performance making and aim to myth bust what these different genres mean and how to make work within or in opposition to the different forms.
This session is capped at 12 participants and includes a simple vegetarian lunch.
Getting there and accessibility: Shankill Mission
Friday 21st March. 10.30am - 4.30pm
Dance Studio - Shankill Mission
This session will be a deep dive into making live performance work. Looking at what stops us, what we're afraid of, and how to over come creative barriers.
The second part of the session will look at how to get started within making live work (e.g. theatre and performance). We will explore theme, topic, tone, then moving into creating structure, character and modes of performance on stage.
The workshop will give an intro into different types of live performance e.g. theatre, live art, performance art, performance making and aim to myth bust what these different genres mean and how to make work within or in opposition to the different forms.
This session is capped at 12 participants and includes a simple vegetarian lunch.
Getting there and accessibility: Shankill Mission
Friday 21st March. 10.30am - 4.30pm
Dance Studio - Shankill Mission
This session will be a deep dive into making live performance work. Looking at what stops us, what we're afraid of, and how to over come creative barriers.
The second part of the session will look at how to get started within making live work (e.g. theatre and performance). We will explore theme, topic, tone, then moving into creating structure, character and modes of performance on stage.
The workshop will give an intro into different types of live performance e.g. theatre, live art, performance art, performance making and aim to myth bust what these different genres mean and how to make work within or in opposition to the different forms.
This session is capped at 12 participants and includes a simple vegetarian lunch.
Getting there and accessibility: Shankill Mission